The story continues...
It's a good thing to learn more about nature in order to share this knowledge with children;
it's even better if the adult and child learn about nature together.
And it's a lot more fun.”
~~Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder
May 14, 2015
Mrs. Clevenger's students were the first to begin the cleanup after a hard winter.
What's better than working in the Arboretum with over 100 fifth graders?
Mrs. Clevenger's students were the first to begin the cleanup after a hard winter.
What's better than working in the Arboretum with over 100 fifth graders?
May 14, 2015
Mrs. Fout's students tackled the next set of trees working through the numbers.
Mrs. Fout's students tackled the next set of trees working through the numbers.
May 14, 2015
Mrs. Hudson's students continued weeding and mulching our trees.
Mrs. Hudson's students continued weeding and mulching our trees.
May 14, 2015
Mrs. Stewart's kiddos were a good bunch of hard workers.
Mrs. Stewart's kiddos were a good bunch of hard workers.
May 14, 2015
Mrs. Stricklin's students finished the day
Mrs. Stricklin's students finished the day
May 14, 2015
And at the end of the day, there's only one way we can describe a day in the Arboretum...
And at the end of the day, there's only one way we can describe a day in the Arboretum...
May 20, 2015
One afternoon of hard work from Mrs. Stricklin's students produced a refurbished perennial garden.
One afternoon of hard work from Mrs. Stricklin's students produced a refurbished perennial garden.