The story continues...
November 17, 2016
The Team School Environment Club picked a perfect day to work outside. The arboretum received some hard work in the form of a big cleanup. Tree limbs and weeds were piled into 3 truckloads that were taken to the Mattoon Yard Waste Facility.
The Team School Environment Club picked a perfect day to work outside. The arboretum received some hard work in the form of a big cleanup. Tree limbs and weeds were piled into 3 truckloads that were taken to the Mattoon Yard Waste Facility.
October 4, 2016 ~ Fall Work Day
Mrs. Clevenger's Students
Mrs. Fout's Students
Mrs. Hudson's Students
Mrs. Stewart's Students
Mrs. Stuart's Students
September 2016
This year we are trying something new. Each fifth grade student has "adopted" one of our 67 trees to care for and observe. They have measured circumference, converted to diameter, located their GPS coordinates, and collected/pressed leaves. Stay tuned as we share their visits to our arboretum and learn to appreciate the role these trees play in our "Riddle World".
This year we are trying something new. Each fifth grade student has "adopted" one of our 67 trees to care for and observe. They have measured circumference, converted to diameter, located their GPS coordinates, and collected/pressed leaves. Stay tuned as we share their visits to our arboretum and learn to appreciate the role these trees play in our "Riddle World".
Mrs. Fouts ~ Fall Meet and Greet
Mrs. Clevenger~ Fall Meet and Greet
Mrs. Hudson ~ Fall Meet and Greet
Mrs. Stewart ~ Fall Meet and Greet
Mrs. Stuart ~ Fall Meet and Greet
May 9, 2017
Mrs. Hudson's class did a fine job of taking turns to dig a hole and to plant our newest tree. A new Choke Cherry is #70 in our arboretum.
Mrs. Hudson's class did a fine job of taking turns to dig a hole and to plant our newest tree. A new Choke Cherry is #70 in our arboretum.