The story continues...
On September 24, 2013, we traveled to Tuscola to pick up three trees that were donated by Eric Lecher.
A Catalpa and two White Oaks were dug up and transported to their new home at Riddle's Arboretum.
A Catalpa and two White Oaks were dug up and transported to their new home at Riddle's Arboretum.
On May 5, 2014, it was warm enough to bring the first group of fifth graders from Mrs. Stewart's classroom out to begin the spring work in the arboretum. Weeding, mulching, and finding a new home for a salamander was the perfect way to spend the afternoon.
On May 7, the students of Mrs. Fouts and Mrs. Clevenger took their turns working in the arboretum. By the end of the day, over half of the trees were weeded and mulched.
On May 20th, Mrs. Stricklin's class took their turn weeding and mulching.
This year's theme seems to be "Critters".
Everyone is excited about sharing what they have found.
This year's theme seems to be "Critters".
Everyone is excited about sharing what they have found.
On the 22nd of May, Mrs. Hudson's class finished the job of mulching and weeding.
Our arboretum has never looked better...
Our arboretum has never looked better...