Post 62
Celtis occidentalis
W088º24.XXX' |
Date PlantedNovember 14, 2012
Special Note:
In earlier years, the tough, flexible wood of the hackberry tree was used for barrel hoops, and many a pioneer cabin was equipped with durable hackberry wood flooring. The tree was first cultivated in 1636.
This tree was donated and planted by the Lions Club of Mattoon, Illinois
Tree located at
Hawthorne Elementary School 2405 Champaign Avenue Mattoon, Illinois |
Tree DescriptionReaches a height of 50 to 90 feet; spreading or drooping branches forming a rounded crown; trunk has a diameter of 1 1/2 to 3 feet.
HabitatPrefers rich, moist soils, but often grows on rich, rocky hillsides, river valleys; also in mixed hardwood forests on upland slopes.
RangeFrom New Hampshire and southern Quebec to southern Manitoba, south to northern Georgia and eastern Texas.