Post 31
Diospyros virginiana
W088º24.754' |
Date PlantedSpring 2007
This tree was donated by the Don Higgins Family and Higgins Tree Farm.
Tree DescriptionA small or medium-sized tree, usually from 25 to 50 feet in height with a trunk up to 1 foot in diameter, but occasionally growing to much larger proportions. Typically it has a short and rather slender trunk with a broad, rounded crown; sometimes a shrub.
HabitatGrows best in moist, rich soils, but very adaptable, succeeding even under adverse conditions.
RangeFrom southern New York down through Florida, over to Illinois and Missouri and Texas.
Leaf DescriptionDeciduous, alternate, simple, 4 to 6 inches long and 1.5 to 3 inches wide, oval or oblong-ovate, with rounded bases, rather abruptly pointed tips, and entire margins. They have about 6 pairs of main veins that arch and merge near the margin. They are thick, firm, and leathery in texture, dark green and glossy above, paler and often downy beneath. The petioles are slender from .5 to 1 inch in length.